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Desert Highway
Bruce Schutter, Creator of the Mental Health Warrior Program and Challenge Coin

Meet Bruce

After struggling with Bipolar, Alcoholism, Anxiety Disorder and PTSD for over 20+ years, I reached a breaking point where I attempted suicide. But with a second chance at life, I set out to find an answer to my life’s challenges. I discovered that Mental Health is the key to triumphing over any challenge in life!


Armed with this knowledge, I created the Mental Health Warrior Program, a new self-help approach for triumphing over life’s challenges and building the life you really want!


At the core of the Mental Health Warrior Program lies the principle of self-empowerment. With practical solutions centered on lifestyle and mindset changes, the program empowers you to respond, not react, to life's challenges, by tapping into your inner strength and resilience.


Each book in the program offers a unique solution, drawn from real-life experiences, for building resilience and triumphing over your life’s challenges. These books are designed to serve as your daily companion, guiding you on a life-long path to mental wellness.


And to further support your journey, I've designed the Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin – that you can carry with you every day, offering motivation, support and warrior wisdom to guide you through challenging times!


But our mission doesn't stop there. I have also created Mental Health Warrior designs, featured on clothing and accessories, to celebrate being a warrior and to kick start conversations on mental health!


So, are you ready to embrace your inner warrior and triumph over your life's challenges? Embrace the Mental Health Warrior Program today and take the first step towards a New Mindset, a New Life, and a New Future.

A little bit more about me...

Certified Health Coach - ACE
Certified Personal Trainer - NASM

Behavior Change Specialist - ACE
Certified Sports Nutrition Coach - NASM
Certified Nutrition Coach - Precision Nutrition
Certified Sleep, Stress Management and Recovery Coach - PN

Plus, 15+ years in the Information Technology Field (Support Analyst, Developer and Project Manager), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a plethora of other jobs including small business owner.

Complete Library

(Click on any book to learn more)
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