It was a breezy afternoon downtown when I decided to stop by my favorite shop for a quick pick-me-up. As I was contemplating the merits of having a third Diet Coke (a classic Mental Health Warrior dilemma), I heard a commotion from the other side of the street. There, in all their yellow, overall-wearing glory, were the Minions.
Now, I’ve crossed paths with these guys before and let me tell you—chaos is practically their middle name. But today? Today, their usual brand of chaos looked different. They weren’t just bouncing around for fun; they were buzzing with anxiety. Bob was wringing his tiny hands, Kevin was pacing in circles, and Stuart appeared to be muttering something about bananas being out of stock.
“Bruce! Bruce!” they squeaked in unison, spotting me across the street. Before I could even blink, they were in front of me, talking over each other in a flurry of Minionese and broken English. “Okay, okay, slow down,” I said, holding up my hands. “What’s going on?”
“We’re… anxious!” Kevin said, throwing his hands in the air. “About EVERYTHING!”
“Banana shortage! Crazy news! Too many decisions!” Bob added, clutching his teddy bear tighter than usual.
“Alright, everyone, deep breaths,” I said. They all inhaled and exhaled together (except for Stuart, who played a dramatic chord on his ukulele). “You’re all Mental Health Warriors, remember?
They have heard my story of struggling for 20 years with Bipolar, Alcoholism, Anxiety Disorders and PTSD. Which left me feeling so powerless, I tried to end my life. But with a second chance, I realized something life-changing: Mental Health is the key to overcoming any challenge!
With that knowledge, I created the Mental Health Warrior Program – a revolutionary SELF-HELP approach – designed so everyone can take charge of their emotions, triumph over challenges and build the life they really want!
Kevin nodded. “We know, Bruce! But we need guidance! What do we do when anxiety of strikes?” That’s when I reached into my pocket and pulled out a shiny silver coin—a Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin.
Warrior Wisdom on the Back
“This,” I said, holding the coin up for dramatic effect, “is your new secret weapon.”
Bob’s eyes widened. “Shiny…” “Focus, Bob,” I said, chuckling. “This coin is more than just shiny. It’s a tangible reminder of the Warrior Creed: Bend, Not Break. See the message on the back?”
The Minions crowded around to look. “Bend, Not Break,” Kevin read aloud.
“Exactly,” I said. “When anxiety strikes, it’s easy to feel like the world is spinning out of control, like you’re going to snap under the pressure. But this coin is here to remind you that as Warriors, we bend—we don’t break. We face challenges, adapt, and move forward. Anxiety doesn’t control us. We control how we respond to it.”
The Minions nodded, their anxiety momentarily replaced by awe. “How do we use it?” Kevin asked eagerly. “Great question,” I said. “Let me give you three ways to use this coin and its message when anxiety strikes.”
1. Ground Yourself with the Coin
“When anxiety hits, grab the coin and hold it in your hand,” I explained. “Feel its weight, its texture. Focus on it. Let it anchor you to the present moment. This simple act helps you shift your attention away from spiraling thoughts and back to reality.”
Minion's Takeaway:
Bob raised his hand. “Like when I’m worried about bananas running out forever?”
“Exactly,” I said. “Instead of spiraling into banana panic, grab the coin and remind yourself that you can handle it. Maybe you won’t have bananas today, but you’ll figure out a solution tomorrow.” Bob nodded, visibly calmer already. “I like this,” he said, clutching his teddy bear a little less tightly.
2. Use the Creed to Reframe the Situation
“The words Bend, Not Break are there for a reason,” I continued. “When anxiety feels overwhelming, read those words and use them to reframe the situation. Ask yourself, ‘How can I adapt to this challenge instead of letting it break me?’”
Minion's Takeaway:
Stuart perked up. “Like when Gru asks me to plan one of his schemes, and I’m worried I’ll mess it up?”
“Exactly,” I said. “Instead of panicking, remind yourself to bend. Think of it as a chance to be creative. If one plan doesn’t work, you’ll adapt and try another. Anxiety loses its power when you approach challenges with flexibility.”
Stuart strummed a triumphant chord on his ukulele. “I can bend like this!” he said, leaning dramatically to the side. “Not physically, Stuart,” I said, laughing. “But you’re on the right track.”
3. Take Small, Warrior Steps Forward
“The coin isn’t just a reminder—it’s a call to action,” I said. “When anxiety strikes, take a step forward, no matter how small. Progress is obtained by not letting the challenge break us and send us scurrying back to old short-term solutions. Like, in my case, drinking and hiding from my emotions.”
Minion's Takeaway:
Kevin nodded thoughtfully. “So, if I’m overwhelmed by all the chores Gru gave us, I could pick just one to start with?”
“Exactly,” I said. “Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, focus on one task. Maybe you clean one lab table or organize one gadget. Each small step forward helps you take control and reduces anxiety.”
Kevin puffed out his chest. “I can do that! I’m a Warrior and will ‘Bend Not Break!’” “Yes, you are,” I said, clapping him on the shoulder.
Parting Ways and a Gift
By the time I finished explaining, the Minions looked noticeably calmer. “You’ve got this,” I said. “And since I know you’re all about taking action, I’m giving you my Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin so you can start using it today.”
The Minions erupted into cheers, bouncing around like their old selves—but this time, it was excitement, not anxiety, fueling their energy.
“We’ll take care of this coin, Bruce!” Bob promised, clutching it in one hand and his teddy bear in the other. “And we’ll carry it with us and use it every day!” Kevin added.
“Bend, Not Break!” Stuart declared, playing a heroic tune on his ukulele.
Wrapping It Up
As the Minions scampered off to their next adventure, I couldn’t help but smile. They’d arrived filled with anxiety, bouncing off the walls, and left feeling calm, empowered, and ready to tackle life’s challenges with their new Mental Health Warrior tool.
The Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin is more than just a shiny object—it’s a daily reminder of the strength we all have to face life’s challenges head-on. Whether it’s a banana shortage, a hectic to-do list, or something far more serious, the Warrior Creed—Bend, Not Break—is there to guide us.
So, the next time anxiety strikes, reach for your Mental Health Warrior Challenge Coin—not just as a token, but as a reminder of your inner strength. Whether life throws a banana shortage or something far more daunting your way, you have the power to rise, adapt, and overcome—with the strength of “Bend, Not Break!”
Bruce Schutter