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Powerful, NOT Powerless: A Chat with Gibbs from NCIS on Triumphing Over Mental Health Challenges

Writer's picture: Bruce SchutterBruce Schutter

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

Powerful Not Powerless over Mental Health Challenges

It was one of those perfect afternoons—sun shining, a light breeze, and Gibbs, yes that Gibbs from NCIS TV series, was strolling downtown, taking in the rare lull between chasing the bad guys. We both happened to cross paths, and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw him. Seeing Gibbs outside of the office or a crime scene was a bit like seeing a lion in the wild, only today he wasn’t hunting; he was just enjoying the day.


“Bruce,” Gibbs called out in his usual gruff tone, giving me a nod as he approached. “It’s good to see you. Got a minute?” Now, when Gibbs says he wants to talk, you make time. We found a bench and settled in for what promised to be an interesting conversation.


“Listen,” Gibbs started, “I’ve got a few friends who are really struggling with their mental health, feeling stuck. I figured you might have some thoughts.”


I nodded. "I know that feeling well, Gibbs. I've been there more times than I care to admit—feeling like I was just putting out a forest fire every day. It’s exhausting. Back when I was struggling with Bipolar, Alcoholism, Anxiety Disorders, and PTSD from my days as an EMT, it felt like I was losing a battle against my own mind.”


“I was giving all my power away to my challenges, thinking they had control over my life, my decisions. But here’s the thing—I had to realize I wasn't powerless. I had the power all along! Once I understood that, I was able to take action. That’s why I created the Mental Health Warrior Program, not just for me, but for everyone who feels stuck. We have the power to change our lives, to take control every day, and triumph over our challenges.”


Gibbs nodded, thoughtful. “You’re saying that no matter what life throws at us, we’ve got the ability to take action.” “Exactly!” I said. “The key to the Mental Health Warrior Program is realizing that we are not powerless in the face of our mental health challenges. We’re powerful. We can triumph every day. We can control the direction of our lives. Once you embrace that mindset, things start to change.


But you’ve got to remind yourself every day that you have the power to take action.” I said. “And there are three key lessons I’ve learned that help me stay motivated.”



Lesson 1: Emotions Are the Key to Triumph

I looked at Gibbs, knowing he’d appreciate this one. “Every challenge in life involves emotions, Gibbs. You know that as well as anyone. The thing is, if we can manage our emotions, we can manage our lives. Emotions are how we interact with the world, how we react to situations. They drive everything. And here’s the beauty of it: because we all have emotions, we all have access to this powerful tool—mental health. When we can manage our emotions, we can take the steps we need to overcome any challenge.”


Gibbs Takeaway:

Gibbs thought for a moment, then said, “Makes sense. In my line of work, emotions are always in play, whether it’s my own or the people I deal with. If I can keep my emotions in check, I can think clearer, make better decisions. That’s how I keep the team safe and solve the case.”


“Exactly!” I said. “And it’s the same in everyday life. If you can manage your emotions, you can navigate any challenge.”



Lesson 2: You Can Never Lose This Power

'The second lesson,' I continued, 'is that this power—the ability to manage our emotions—is always with us. No matter how many challenges we face or how long we’ve struggled, we never lose access to it. There will be days when you stumble, but the key is knowing that you can always tap back into your mental health power and regain control.'"


Gibbs Takeaway:

Gibbs cracked a rare smile. “I can see that. There have been times where I’ve made a wrong call, and it’s easy to get stuck in that. But if I know I can always pull myself back, it’s not as overwhelming. I can get back to focusing on what’s important, instead of beating myself up over what went wrong.”


“That’s it,” I said. “Even when things go south, you’ve got the power to course-correct. It’s like hitting a reset button whenever you need it.”



Lesson 3: Emotions Connect Us

'And the third lesson,' I continued, 'is that emotions are what connect us to others. Even when we feel alone, we can embrace our emotions, share them, and build meaningful connections. Whether it’s talking to a friend, reaching out for help, or connecting with other Mental Health Warriors, our emotions act as the bridge that brings us together.'"


Gibbs Takeaway:

Gibbs nodded again. “That’s why the team works so well together. We’re all connected by what we’ve been through. We know each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and we’ve built that trust. It’s the same idea, right?”


“Exactly,” I said. “When you start talking about your emotions, other people open up too. Before you know it, you’ve got a network of support, and as you make progress, others around you will want to do the same. That’s how we build a community of Mental Health Warriors. We all support each other.”



Wrapping It Up

We sat for a moment, letting the conversation sink in. Gibbs was quiet for a few beats, then looked at me with his trademark determination. “I think you’re onto something with this Mental Health Warrior Program, Bruce. I’ve got a few friends who could really use this—heck, I could use it myself.”


I smiled. “That’s the beauty of it, Gibbs. It’s for all of us. We all face challenges, but we also have the power to triumph over them.”


Gibbs stood up, dusting off his pants. “Well, I’d better get back to work. But I’m definitely passing this along to my friends. They need to know they’ve got the power to take charge of their lives and become warriors, too. And that power is found in their mental health!”


Which means we can all be Mental Health Warriors and triumph over our challenges every day! Now that’s truly POWERFUL!

Bruce Schutter

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